Kriya Yoga in Swanley Village

Swanley Village is a small village to the north east of the town of Swanley in the Sevenoaks District of Kent, England. Swanley Village was originally known as Swanley but with the arrival of the London, Chatham and Dover Railway line, specifically the junction between the Chatham Main Line and the Maidstone East Line to the west of the village, a new settlement grew up. Wikipedia


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Ayurvedic Yoga Instructor

Muir-Warden Studio, Ensign House, Battersea Reach, London, SW18 1TA

Hello! My name is Nivethitha Mathavan and I am so excited to be sharing my ayurvedic yoga with you! As a Sri-Lankan Tamil, I take pride in sharing my ancient rituals and methods – this practise has changed my life, I hope it does the same for you! Discover yourself and heal with Ayurvedic medicine…

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Category: Kriya Yoga
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