Yoga in Tarrant Gunville - SP3
Tarrant Gunville is a village and civil parish in north Dorset, England, situated at the head of the Tarrant Valley on Cranborne Chase 5 miles northeast of Blandford Forum. The parish covers 3,469 acres at an altitude of 70 to 170 metres. Wikipedia
The Space – Yoga in Dorset
Yoga in the heart of Dorset. Private tuition and group classes. Massage, Reflexology, Reiki, Sound Bath. I have a small studio, the Space within the heart of Shaftesbury, Dorset.
Yoga with Debbie
Welcome, I’m an experienced yoga teacher of 25+ years who runs a friendly local class (with after-class coffee socials) and also weekly private 1:1 and 1:2 sessions. Class is Thursday mornings in Downton, Wiltshire. Private sessions in Alderholt, Hampshire. Beginners always welcome. I’m also a fully qualified counsellor/psychotherapist in private practice and have an interest…
Cathy’s Yoga – Women’s Wellness Wiltshire
Offering yoga classes for women across life transitions. Sessions are currently a mixture of face to face and online (via Zoom). Well Woman Yoga, Pregnancy Yoga, Mum & Baby Postnatal Yoga and Chair Yoga; safe, supportive and nurturing yoga sessions suitable for all levels of experience. Individual sessions are also available specifically aimed at women…
In my Hatha Yoga classes I help you become more aware of your breathing and we warm up our bodies with gentle and slow moments. We work some flowing routines bringing postures together building up to a moving meditation working with the breath. I talk you through postures in stages allowing you to listen to…
Rose Yoga
I’m Rosie and I offer Hatha and Forrest Yoga classes, workshops and private sessions in and around Andover. I also offer classes for children aged from 7 to 13 years. I’m currently teaching classes in Hatherden, St Mary Bourne and Wehill.