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Miska Zimanova at YogaGenie

Miska Zimanova at YogaGenie

  • 310 Brighton Rd, Belmont, Sutton SM2 5SU, UK.

About Miska Zimanova at YogaGenie

Yogini & Peaceful Warrior for global change, Miska leads inspirational yoga retreats and holidays and empowers and inspires her community. Her classes are loved by people of all ages and abilities. She seamlesly weaves traditional yogic teachings and science, modern understanding of alignment, healing sound and meditation into her classes. She teaches a variety of classes, from beginner hatha to advanced vinyasa flow. Rhythm and sacred sound play an important part of her classes.

Classes are taught in a friendly environment where everyone has an opportunity for personal transformation.

Miska coaches teachers in training, and leads specialised masterclasses for yoga teachers.

Miska is one of the leaders of the YogaThon at the London Yoga Show

Events by Miska