The Yogic Path
301 West End Ln, West Hampstead, London NW6 1RD, UK.
About The Yogic Path
The Yogic Path was founded by Mira Mehta in 1999. Its approach to Yoga emphasises physical practice rooted in philosophy.
Mira Mehta is the principal teacher; she is assisted by qualified and experienced teachers; all have a commitment to the teachings of Yoga.
The practical teaching follows the Iyengar method, which is known worldwide for its safe, progressive instruction in a wide range of postures and breath control techniques. Based on detailed, accurate knowledge, the method is also known for its efficacy in treating health problems through Yoga.
The philosophy teaching is based closely on primary sources rather than modern interpretations of ancient works. It is taught as a separate, optional subject.
For continuity of learning classes are run in 12-week terms, although visitors are welcome. However, you may join a class at any time. The Therapy Yoga and Advanced Posture classes are run in blocks of four.
The school uses and recommends a number of course books (see Recommended Reading on our website).
The studio is light and airy and is fully equipped with mats, blankets and other Yoga props. It holds a maximum of 20 people.