Darryl OKeeffe
3 Northcroft Terrace, Newbury RG14 1BS, UK.
About Darryl OKeeffe
i-SKY has earned a reputation since 1996 as a yoga school – primarily as a School of Kundalini Yoga. We have always promoted a broad definition of yoga as the means to achieve awareness or self realisation. A conscious yoga practice begins and ends with the question, “Who am I?” We view genuine holistic or religious practice as paths of yoga in that broad sense and believe that one path can be as good as any other – although some may be more suited to one than another. We do not think of Kundalini as a path of yoga but rather as the energy of transformation which is common to every path or as the point of awareness where all paths meet. The contemporary variations of yogic paths from Ashtanga to Zen are too numerous to define but may broadly be defined as arising from nine:
Bhakti the yoga of devotion
Hatha the yoga of the body
Jnana the yoga of wisdom
Karma the yoga of service
Kundalini the yoga of latent spiritual awareness
Mantra the yoga of sound
Raja the yoga of the mind
Tantra the yoga of polarity
Yantra the yoga of vision
Whoever I am:
Life is for living
Yoga is to journey from a finite to an infinite awareness.
Kundalini describes the energy of awakening – the means of personal transformation.
Our Creed:
I would not interfere with any creed of yours,
nor want to appear that I have all the cures.
There is so much to know.
So many things are true,
the way my feet must go may not be best for you.
And so I give this spark of what is light to me,
to guide you through the dark,
but not to tell you what to see.
Events by i-SKY.net
Location Information
In addition to international online programs our main UK course hub is Ufton Court near Reading but we regularly offer courses in York and Liverpool and a number of countries around the world
Opening Times
Various. Leave voice mail or email admin@i-sky.net
Contact Darryl OKeeffe
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