Pregnancy Yoga Retreat Day
Expecting a baby? Life can be busy pre-baby so why not prepare by giving yourself a bit of down time to ground and connect – the true goddess you are.
Space & time to move freely, breathe, activate the right side of your brain (think sensations, feelings and intuition rather than planning, words & timelines etc), whilst connecting to your growing baby.
There will be time for contemplation, sensing into your feeling body through the Yoga breath, movement & relaxation. Preparing confidently for the fourth trimester. You will be nourished with a vegan/vegetarian lunch and soothed with a Pregnancy Sound bath.
- Just some of things we will be doing:
-breath for relaxation & birth
-Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep/meditation)
-gentle Yoga movement – stretch, strengthen & ease out aches
-create your own personal affirmation
-delicious vegetarian lunch & chat,
-fourth trimester advice from an expert postnatal doula - Pregnancy Sound Bath!